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유엔미래보고서 2030, 테리베넷, Neville Johnson

<유엔 미래 보고서 2030>


유엔(UN) 미래 보고서 2030 책에 보면 앞으로 2030-2040년까지현실화될 과학기술과 현상을 설명하고 있습니다. 이 자료는 전세계 3500명의 과학자들과  전세계 나라들의 경제 정보들을 종합하여 예측한 보고서라고 합니다. 

잠깐 기독교인들이 관심을 가져야 할  중요한  대목들을  소개해 드립니다.

2020년 경, 구글의 지구피부 프로젝트  실행 – RFID칩을 값싸게 생산하게됨, 전세계 바다, 숲,나무,빌딩 에  RFID센서를 뿌려서 실시간 정보를 파악.  2007년부터 이 프로젝트 준비하고 있다고 합니다.

2024년, 단일통화 등장과 더불어 화폐가 칩(RFID Chip)으로 되어서 몸속으로 들어가게 됨.

2034년, 세계정부 탄생

2035년, 리버스 엔지니어링을 통해 인간의 뇌를 컴퓨터에 다운로드 하거나 컴퓨터의 정보를 인간의 뇌에 업로드 하는 기술시작 (영화 트랜샌던스가 이걸 바탕으로 시나리오를 썼나봅니다)

2045년, 리버스엔지니어링이 활성화. 인간과 기계의 경계가 모호해짐.  인간은 인공지능을 가진 전자인간 두뇌에 기억을 이식해서 불로장생을 추구

2045년, 세계정부가 글로벌 식품 제작소를 만듦.  지구상에 생존하는 생물종 40% 소멸.

2050년, 로봇에게 빼앗기는 9가지 일자리 (약사로봇, 법률 검색로봇,무인자동차,우주로봇, 계산 셀프서비스 기계, 전투로봇, 아이돌보는 로봇, 재난구조로봇, 신문기사 작성 로봇)


테리 베넷의 예언 (참고용)


7년씩 세번에 걸쳐 2028년까지 일어날 큰 그림



2008-2014 : 미국과 세계경제를 다루심

2015-2021 : 유럽에서 단일정부 출현, 구체화

2022-2028 : 전세계 단일화, 종교 정치 경제등 모든것의 단일화 시스템


2014-15년에 걸쳐 일어날 좀더 구체적인 일들 (미국 달러붕괴와 그 여파)





유럽의회-EU회원국, 단일은행정리체제 합의  2014.03.20 연합뉴스



<Neville Johnson 목사님의 비전 일부 발최>


As I watched this unfold this angel again shouted the words


As he said this I felt the earth under me shake like a tremor

At this point I heard the lord speak: One more time I will

shake the heavens and the earth.

There is no more time it will start to unfold now. It will start

first in the church then in the nations.

At this point I began to see certain things happening in the


There will be exposures in the church hidden things will come

to light as a purifying work in the church gets underway. This will

shock many people but it is God at work.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if

it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of

God? 1 Peter 4:17


I saw Japan being shaken by Volcanoes and earthquakes. In

a way that had repercussions around the world. I saw upheavals

in Thailand. I saw china taking a much firmer grip on Hong

Kong. (This was before the recent demonstrations in Japan) There

will be clashes in the South China Sea.


Australia will be impacted but will stand the shaking for now.

New Zealand, hidden things will come to light and ethnic unrest

will increase. In the USA a great shaking will occur with the

present administration. 2015 will see events in government occur

which will cause a shaking in the USA that has never been seen

before. The government will be in turmoil and change will be forced

upon the nation. Seeds of revival will begin to sprout in the UK in

the midst of turmoil.


The present Pope will continue to rise in Influence. I saw him

addressing the UN. His emphasis was peace and tolerance (tolerance

of all religions) this began to lay the foundations for the rise of the

false world church which grew in political power and influence

framing legislation that will ban any religion that is not part of this

false world church.


We are getting very close to the man-child being caught up

commissioned and send back to the earth to nurture and protect

the church, helping to perfect the bride before the rapture takes

place. This heavenly visitor also spoke to me saying that within

seven years it will be impossible for Christians to buy or sell. I knew

this was a reference to revelation chapter 13 verses 16-17. The word

"within" was not a definitive time period but reflected a time period

somewhere within that time frame.


We are told that it is not in us to direct his own steps. Jerimiah

10:23. The time is coming and now is in which it will become

impossible to correct mistakes, this is mainly due to the

acceleration of time we are now in. We must believe and have

faith in the ability and willingness of God to keep us from falling of

the track. We must trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean

not on our own understanding, committing our way to the Lord

trusting Him to direct our path.


A new season of great possibilities is now upon us. Fresh movements

of the Holy Spirit are stirring, new revelation and understand

is available. We must as it were run with the horses because the

finishing line in now in clear view.


Neville Johnson

19th November 2014

원문출처 : http://www.theacademy.org.au/training/neville/Atonement2014.pdf


<관리자> Neville Johnson 목사님의 설교 "The Power of Words" 를 추천합니다. 
